The Health club (2016)
The Health Club was a temporary multi-arts venue created as part of The Birdsell Project artist residency program. It utilized the space of a long-abandoned health and fitness club located in the basement of an old power plant building in South Bend, IN. I renovated a portion of the health club that housed the men's locker room.
The design of The Health Club was inspired by children’s forts and clubhouses. My wife had just given birth to our first child and I had started creating small forts in our living room, rediscovering a favorite pastime from my childhood. In response to the space's past life, I wanted to reimagine the idea of a health club, focusing on creative and artistic experiences, which are vital to our mental and emotional well-being. The clubhouse theme added to this by providing a sense of nostalgia to a social gathering place. Forts and clubhouses are also often communal in their making, which transpired in the renovation of the space. Over six weeks, approximately 50 volunteers contributed to the renovation, some every day and some for only a day, and many of whom were youth. Just as in the clubhouses from my childhood, the social environment that transpired from making the installation was as meaningful as those it fostered after completion. It was stocked with art supplies and classic board games, which visitors could use freely. It also featured a performance stage, a continuous food drive and an art room with a floor-to-ceiling chalkboard. During open hours, visitors were invited to use the space and its features as they pleased. Several events were held in the space including receptions, concerts and community meetups.

The portion of the former health and fitness facility that was renovated was the men's locker room area. The performing arts stage and game space utilized the room that formerly contained the lockers, while the art room utilized the shower stalls. The images below show the space before and during the renovation.